Levan polka everyone piano page 2
Levan polka everyone piano page 2

levan polka everyone piano page 2 levan polka everyone piano page 2

(Bilal with Guinness World Record-holder for tallest living male, Sultan Kösen, who's over 8 feet tall.) The musical journey I have been on since my childhood has given me the opportunity to appeal to all the people of the world, as well as providing material and spiritual means. As a visually impaired person by birth, I have always thought that being disabled does not prevent success, and I continued my life with this thought. Our adventure, which began in Istanbul in 2009, has been continuing with our YouTube channel for the last three years. My biggest goal and dream is to be a useful individual to the whole of society. Since it is a requirement now, I have been using social media platforms, especially YouTube to share my talent with the rest of the world. I was born in Hatay Province, Turkey in September 1988, and have been making music since my childhood. I greet you all with my most heartfelt feelings. To start off, can you introduce yourself a bit for everyone and fill us in on who you are for those unfamiliar?Ī: First of all, I would like to thank Know Your Meme for giving me this opportunity. Glad we were able to speak with you, so thanks for taking the time. (Bilal Göregen stopping for a picture in Kayseri, Turkey.) We spoke with Göregen in Turkey to hear more about who he is and how he reacted to his image being used in memes around the globe. Although the experience was a new one for him, Göregen has now fully embraced his association with becoming an internet phenomenon. Dubbed “Cat Vibing to Street Musician's Ievan Polkka,” the meme eventually reached its way to Göregen himself, who noticed an increase in attention from international audiences who discovered his YouTube channel while looking into the meme. By mid-October, the meme transformed from its original iterations as a viral video and popular Twitch emote to include a variant that featured Turkish street musician Bilal Göregen performing “Ievan Polkka,” with hundreds of derivatives appearing on Reddit and Twitter to YouTube and more. He Vibing Cat meme, also known as CatJAM, has swept across the internet in recent weeks as one of the most well-known memes of 2020.

Levan polka everyone piano page 2