Diablo 3 caldestian despaire diablo 3 caldesann despair
Diablo 3 caldestian despaire diablo 3 caldesann despair

  • Top center: Required amount of runs / gold / time (time is a rough approximation for 3-5 weeks into the season) to get a gem to 90 with all empowered rifts.
  • Top left: Cost for empowering (basically +1 gemup).
  • If you want to see the numbers, here's my Excel sheet (explanation see below): I assumed ~3.5 months and 200b/h early game, increasing up to 1000b/h near the end of season. Keep in mind we know neither the exact duration of this season nor the exact XP/h values that people will achieve. I calculated numbers for P1400 / Tier 90 gems with my solo Natalya setup(dual wield, no mainstat on jewelry, full diamonds, nonancient amulet), which will be pretty early in the season but for casuals like me it will still be decently high.

    diablo 3 caldestian despaire diablo 3 caldesann despair

    It's about when to upgrade which gems and how to use our gold optimally. Here's some math on Caldesann's Despair I did a while ago and I decided to share it now.

    diablo 3 caldestian despaire diablo 3 caldesann despair

    It gives players a general idea of when to upgrade gems and how to more efficiently use their gold in this activity. Wudijo recently made a thread on our forums sharing a spreadsheet and some numbers on Caldesann's Despair.

    diablo 3 caldestian despaire diablo 3 caldesann despair

    16, 2016 Love is in the Air, Legion - Tier 19 Monk Armor Sets, Tweets, BM Hunter Spec Preview Caldesann's Despair Theorycrafting & Math Popular Constructed Decks of the Week, Love is in the Air Winner - Congratulations Hejiahua! Incoming Balance Update on Feb 17, Rotation for Feb.

    Diablo 3 caldestian despaire diablo 3 caldesann despair